Spiritual healing
The word 'Spiritual' derives from the Latin word 'Spiritus' which means breath of life
Healing can be defined as regaining balance of mind, body and emotions.
Spiritual healing
Healing is a completely natural process. It is thought to be the flow of beneficial energy between the healer and the recipient that deals with 'dis-ease' at the deepest level.
At heart, we all have the capacity to heal ourselves and nurture others. Spirit, energy, thought, intention, skilful practice and belief are available to all people. Yet as individual expressions of the life force, we all have different paths, and not all of us feel called to healing practices.
Spiritual healing is a complementary therapy, not an alternative therapy. This means that it is meant to be used in addition to appropriate conventional medical help, not instead of it. Spiritual healers will always advise their patients of this, and will of course never guarantee a cure although they would hope for improvement in the client's current situation.

A Spiritual healing treatment